Be The Change on January 30, 2015 aesthetics art community +0 rug hooking aesthetics art community rug hooking
Safe From Inner and Outer Harm on January 28, 2015 activism amulet consumerism + secret life of objects activism amulet consumerism secret life of objects
Heather's Little Sweatshop - The Day After on January 19, 2015 cog in the system consumerism +0 sewing cog in the system consumerism sewing
Heather's Little Sweatshop on January 17, 2015 cog in the system consumerism +0 sewing cog in the system consumerism sewing
Sometimes I Just Need to Get Out of My Own Way on January 14, 2015 ideas +0 inspiration ideas inspiration
In Progress on January 07, 2015 codex canadensis embroidery +0 Louis Nicolas codex canadensis embroidery Louis Nicolas
And Now For Something Slightly Ridiculous... on January 03, 2015 art vs. craft +0 knitting art vs. craft knitting