On, I'll Go

I did a spontaneous little piece this week. It was fun to come up with such a quickie, after the four month process of the unicorn. The quote from "The Unnamable" seemed obvious after various recent political decisions, particularly the federal government's offer to bail out Kinder Morgan for the ill-conceived Trans Mountain pipeline.
Samuel Beckett's Table Runner, 43"x15". Hand embroidery, cotton on found linen.
Samuel Beckett's Table Runner, detail.
Samuel Beckett's Table Runner, in progress.


  1. For about five years in a row I had a mantra "It's too much for me, I can't do it" and would whine this as I got on with whatever it was.
    Now, I notice that I no longer say it. Not sure what happened...maybe I'm not trying to do so much.

    So glad to have you and your blog back in my life, Heather. xo

  2. I (and a lot of other people, I’m sure) feel not just let down but betrayed by our federal government. Ugh. Your piece is definitely expressing that frustration!

  3. your stitching is superb & the quote is perfect for these strange dark days...

  4. Good to see you back online.


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