Speaking Truth, with Buttons

I just read about this exhibition and it looks quite incredible. If you're in Vancouver over the next five weeks, do pop into the Gallery Gachet, 88 E Cordova St, and have a look.

Image and following text  from Gallery Gachet's website

The Talking Cloth: Speaking Truth

Opening – Saturday November 7th 6-9pm
Sunday, November 8th – December 13th, 2015

WISH Drop-In Centre Society operates an overnight drop-in for women in street-level survival sex trade. In addition to a broad diversity of programmes, WISH also offers an Aboriginal Women’s Button Group. Having developed considerable pride in their cultural textiles, the women involved in the Aboriginal Women’s Button Group expressed interest in finding a way to display their art, explain what it has meant for them, and to be able to show a different side of themselves and their community.

The whole Gallery Gachet website is worth a browse. They are one of the bright lights of hope on the Downtown Eastside, traditionally the poorest postal code in Canada. Check out this powerfully expressed posting from Bruce Ray, speaking out against cuts to the gallery's funding.


  1. was thinking about buttons yesterday and wondering why I have never seen them used as earrings... or maybe I just haven't noticed...


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