Dammit Jim, I'm an Artist, Not a Housekeeper!

Scary, isn't it? I told James that he should do a portrait of me in my chair, with just the top of my head showing above the piles of stuff. Wherever I go I seem to create a midden - there's a pile of books beside the bed, interleaved with crossword puzzles and odd bits of paper with important (at the time) thoughts scrawled on them. The area around my computer is the same, only more so. And the kitchen table has been officially declared a disaster zone.

We live in an earthquake zone here on the west coast. I have a feeling the big one could happen and my house wouldn't look a lot different.

Oh well, first things first. Have to finish the codex piece, it's getting close.


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    ha, ha! I live in the same midden, it extends to every room in the house and then out the door to the studio - and I really try to keep it under control.I'm sure it rearranges itself overnight.

  2. Me too. I like that word, "midden".

  3. Never mind the midden! You're nearing the end of the Codex piece. Focus is important.

  4. So wonderful to hear that I'm not in any way special.... ;-)

  5. ha, time goes, the dishes don't, so use the time!

  6. the Codex is a big journey!

  7. Scary? Why scary?

    You don't think my house looks any different..

  8. As I write this, on the back of the couch is a stack of two embroidery thread boxes, a pile of loss thread, two scissors, my masking tape to stitch some straight lines and next to that my work in progress....other couch has a pile of books for research...spent the weekend moving between the two.


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