Backpack Video is Up

The Boro Backpack Video Click here to link!
James laboured long and hard acquiring new skills. And dealt with somewhat primitive technology with aplomb. Here it is, a video shot on a little digital camera, edited with IMovie.
I have to give my great and heartfelt thanks to James, who shot the video and figured out all the logistics.


  1. Watched the video while having breakfast. The love that went into that backback and quilt shines through and what a wonderful backdrop , I felt so chilled out. Thanks for sharing

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    congratulations to both of you, lovely video. great ad for B.C Ferries.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Commendations to the dogs too for their starring roles in the video! Jean-Pierre

  4. Finally got to see your video! Kudos to you, the dogs and James for the fabulous view of your important art work and of course beautiful Gabriola Island. Big hugs!

  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    wonderful video! So many dimentions in this project, one can feel the depth of it from the video. And what a beautiful coast you have out there!

  6. I enjoyed the video, too---the sounds of ocean and wind, your concise and heart-felt description of the process of creating the pack and its many connections, the cuddly quilt, the sweet dogs.


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