Little Houses in the Woods

Shari White's Fairy Houses
 Last Friday we had an art and storytelling show at our little Arts Centre. The theme was originally "Little Houses in the Dark Woods", intended to explore our winter experience on this island. But various events conspired to delay the show and it ended up more as a celebration of spring, and emerging from our cozy dark lairs into the light of day.
 I don't think my Codex pieces were quite as appropriate for the revised theme, but I hung them anyway. You can see the owls on the left wall.
 Sophia Rosenberg showed four paintings from a major series exploring the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
 The bears are tucked in between one of Valeria deRege's sculptures, and Otis Running's intricate drawings.
 Richard set up the storytelling circle and built the campfire. Later, old t-shirts were laid over the log stools to prevent something called "sapbutt", a phenomenon I was previously unaware of, but which is a hazard with newly cut rounds of fir.
Lots of people came to the viewing. I had some very nice comments, but was also reminded of how uncomfortable I am at openings. It can be nerve wracking!
The little house on the left is the Art Centre's generator shed. It was built out of cob by the Mud Girls, our local women's building collective. Yup, we're a little out of the mainstream here. Or maybe just ahead of our time.
False Bay was perfectly calm as I rode my bike home. This is where the ferry comes in, and this view as one comes down the hill toward the bay always makes my heart fill with love for this place.


  1. Oh so beautiful, Heather! You've made me want to visit the islands again. I think cob buildings are fabulous! Kind of like making your house out of play-dough. So cool. And practical.

  2. again I sigh as I read about your idyllic island life! how wonderful to be in a circle of artists/creators

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I'm really impressed by the bounty of talent on your island. Looks like creativity thrives there and you are in good company. And "sapbutt"! That is hilarious.

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    --amazing - the individual time and effort that went into creating such a beautiful space. the show has an intriguing variety of work and looks professionally "hung". must be very satisfying to be involved.


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