Universe Unfolding As It Should

There has been an unseen framework behind my recent posts. Odd as it may seem, too much fabric, a visit to a fellow weaver and lace collector, natural dyeing and possibly even accordion playing are linked together in this great Web. The common factor is the wonderful news that I am being gifted a 60" Glimakra loom!

I sold my 36" Leclerc a few years ago and have regretted it ever since. Flora, one of the senior ladies of the island, and a fine spinner and all round textile enthusiast, decided her loom should be used rather than packed away - so she has given it to me. A few small strings are attached, the most important one being that the first items off the loom shall be rugs for Flora's house. She has asked Marie-Ange and I to collaborate on this project. I'm really looking forward to working with Marie-Ange and I think we're both hoping to learn from each other.

I am also thrilled because I will be able to transform some of the fabric spilling out of the cupboards and closets into some beautiful and practical rag rugs. I hope to begin a study of saki-ori (Japanese weaving with rags) as well.

My large collection of plant dyed yarns will become blankets - one of my favourite ways to use odd lots of yarn is to doubleweave plaid mixed warp blankets. Yeah! More cupboards emptied out. I love how weaving quickly uses up LOTS of yarn.

And to celebrate stash-busting, warmth, comfort, and friendship, I just might play the accordion.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    OH! So should start sending the bolts of cloth in my office? Are you ready yet?


  2. Congratulations! What a beautiful loom.

  3. Awesome! Between the accordion playing and the weaving, I think all your winter evenings are planned out!

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Heather, congratulations. What a wonderful gift. Weave on!!

  5. You must be so excited and so eager to start. We will soon see some beautiful weaving!

  6. It's so much like my Woolhouse loom! You'll love the ease of treadling on it. Maybe you can inspire me to get some weaving done. My looms have been sitting naked long enough!


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