Water, Water...

Living on an island, as I do, means that there is a fair bit of recreational boat traffic, especially in the summer. I have not previously had much to do with boaters or sailors, much like I haven't had many dealings with skiers. Different worlds.

But recently I have met more of these water people. My young friend Carson has a sailboat which he runs as a non-fossil-fuel powered ferry and transportation service. There are several guys living on boats just down the road at Scottie Bay, which seems idyllic in the summer and bordering on the heroic in winter. And I recently met someone who lives on his boat with no fixed address or home port, sort of a gypsy I suppose. The romance of the sea aside, it is a classier alternative to living in one's car.

I am a very earthbound sort of person - a Virgo and an Earth Dog in various horoscope systems. In Wu Xing, the Chinese Five Element cycle, water is full of movement, of both calm and chaos, of fear and risk. It is considered healthy to have all elements in balance within oneself, although of course things constantly shift. Perhaps I need more water in my life.

I am reminded of a line of poetry I read this morning:
"Thirsty, we dream of an oasis, while sleeping next to a stream."
This speaks of water in a spiritual context, a metaphor for the divine.

Traveling across the Salish Sea to visit this week are some special folks, bearers of watery energy and inspiration. East Vancouver's Carnival Band, a 30-piece brass band explosion is coming to play their mix of funk, calypso, samba and world beat at our Community Hall (and staying at my place!) And Shannon Gerard illustrator of graphic novels and crocheter of coral reefs (amongst other things) is going to be here as well.

I expect it will be an interesting week, full of fun and chaos, excitement and adventure. And lots of dancing.


  1. seconds before your berry post, all the way across the continent..


  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I'm a Virgo born in the year of the Dog....coincidences across the world!


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