Saori Weaving

I may be way behind the pack on this one, but I recently came across a very intriguing book about Saori, a Japanese (of course) approach to weaving that is very organic and improvisational. The above image "Waterfall" is a piece by Terri Bibby of Saltspring Weaving. (The photo is hers as well.) She has a great website and blog with oodles of information and images of this weaving style.

She offers a great series of workshops from her studio on Saltspring Island. The philosophy of saori is one of non-judgement, self-discovery and accessibility, which results in wonderful freeform, spontaneous weaving. Here are "The SAORI Slogans":

1. Consider the differences between machines and people.
2. Let's adventure beyond our imagination.
3. Let's look out through eyes that shine.
4. Let's learn from everyone in the group.

Check out the earth loom on the blog. I can't wait to run out and make one myself.


  1. Thanks so much Heather! Saori is still relatively new in North America, but more people are learning about it all the time. I love sharing it with people!

    The Earth Loom is based on the Journey Loom created by Susan Barrett Merrill and illustrated in her book "ZATI The Art of Weaving a Life".

    Happy Weaving,

  2. Absolutely lovely, like a dream!

  3. oh, i always loved saori.... thanks for the link and a beautiful post, i have to share this......

  4. Caren9:10 PM

    Belated Happy Birthday!

    Just to let you know we enjoy your blog - & 'we' now includes Jen & Leon, Kimi & Jerry, George, & Basil!

    Miss you much & wish we could visit! Let us know if & when one of the long ferry rides brings you & your Gnome to Vancouver.


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